Kornwisa Wacharasindhu is a passionate and dedicated student, with an interest in mathematics, physics, and engineering. She goes by Kaopoon, and she is interested in the emerging importance of Artificial Intelligence, a tool that will revolutionize engineering due to its ability to perform analysis and streamline processes.
More about me
Growing up, one of my most meaningful experiences was having to take care of her brother for a week when he was in the hospital. She had to stay over with him all the time while her parents were at work, talk to the doctor, and make sure he took all of the right medication. It was much more difficult than she expected, both physically and emotionally, having to make decisions and take responsibility for someone other than herself. Despite having a lot of schoolwork to complete herself, or feeling tired after an entire day of staying there, she had to continue to be there for him. She also had to learn to provide emotional comfort, even if she was unsure of many things herself. If taking care of one person was a challenge, being responsible for an entire community must have great weight, and she aims to make this process easier for others in the future, no matter their objective, with the advance of technology and innovation.
In order to demonstrate leadership in and out of the classroom, Kaopoon has undertaken a wide spectrum of activities to broaden her horizons. She has completed work experience programs for Ferrari and Dawn Aerospace and has interned at Chulalongkorn university where she is assisting in building a Metaverse simulation. She is skilled in piano, taking ABRSM Diploma, and has a grade 8 standing with violin. She has created and runs a website for astronomy education for children in Thailand and designed a power monitoring system to be used in apartment and company buildings. Furthermore, she is taking MIT circuits course online as well as HL Maths, Physics and Comp Sci
Looking ahead, Kaopoon aims to study Engineering in university, and explore areas of interest such as the application of Artificial Intelligence in engineering.